This chicken macaroni dish is quick and easy to prepare. This recipe predominantly uses macaroni and chicken breasts to prepare a mouth-watering dish. The ingredients needed include white vinegar, paprika, soy sauce, and garlic, amongst others.
Chicken breast
1/2 pack Tante's macaroni
1 tbsp Garlic paste and 1 spring onion - properly chopped
2 - 3 tsp soy sauce and 1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 cup shredded cheese and 1 lemon
1 bell pepper and 1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp white vinegar and 1 tsp salt
1 tsp Chinese salt
Boil Tante's macaroni with oil and salt (to taste) for 5-8 minutes. Strain the macaroni and rinse with cold water, then spray a little oil on it
Cut the chicken into medium pieces and marinate using black pepper, soy sauce, vinegar, and salt. Set it aside for about 40 minutes before cooking.
Fry the chicken you marinated in a large frying pan, with 2 tbsp of oil, for 3 minutes.
Put 2 tbsp of oil in another pan. Mix the garlic paste and chopped spring onion, and plunk the mixture into the pan.
Add the fried chicken, bell pepper, soy sauce, paprika, lemon juice, and salt. Cook everything for 1-2 minutes.
Add the boiled Tante's macaroni to the mixture then sprinkle over with Chinese salt, vinegar, cheese and black pepper.
Mix everything well. Your chicken macaroni is ready to serve. Enjoy.